Behavioral Health at the Medical Office Building

Women suffer twice as often as men by most forms of depression and anxiety disorders, and nine times as often by eating disorders.

While there are different behavioral health disorders, they all are real illnesses that can't be willed or wished away. You aren't at fault if you have one, and you should not suffer in silence. We offer counseling and psychotherapy, support groups, additional care and expertise from Hartford Hospital's Institute of Living and referrals to clinical trials.

Be patient with yourself and reach out to others for help. These illnesses can be treated successfully so that you can get back to enjoying life - not only for yourself, but for your family too.

  • Behavioral Health at the Medical Office Building
    85 Seymour Street
    Suite 705
    Hartford, CT 06106-5500

Programs & Services Offered at This Location:

Our specialists can provide counseling and psychotherapy for the treatment of

Ante & Post Partum Depression

Anxiety Disorders

Weight and Stress Management




Behavioral Health