Critical Care | Emotional & Spiritual Care

Critical Care Emotional Spiritual

The Critical Care Team is sensitive to providing holistic patient care. We believe that includes care of the mind, body and spirit. We believe that care for our patient includes care for you, their family and friends.

How can we care for your family member’s emotional and spiritual needs? How can we care for your emotional and spiritual needs during this time of critical illness?

Every patient and family has a unique history, culture and experience. We know that your needs are unique and personal. Some people may find it helpful to talk about their thoughts and feelings with a trained professional, such as a social worker. Some may find guided imagery or prayer with a chaplain helpful in promoting wellness. Some find support through connections with their own faith community. Others find relaxation through integrative therapies in therapeutic touch, Reiki or massage therapy. (Integrative Medicine can be reached at 860.972.4444, or visit their web site.)

Social Workers are trained professionals with Bachelors or Masters Degrees in Social Work. Requests for Social Work Services come from a variety of sources including patients, families, or hospital staff. If you think a social worker may be helpful to you or your family member, please feel free to request to speak with the unit-based social worker or call 860.972.2966.

You may benefit from talking with a social worker if you:

  • Need someone to listen to your concerns
  • Are worried about the future
  • Are feeling sad, depressed or frustrated
  • Have concerns about abuse, neglect, or exploitation
  • Are looking for counseling or guidance
  • Need information about your (or your loved one’s) condition
  • Please let any team member know what your needs are so we can care for you.

For more information on the services that the Department of Social Services can provide, please visit Hartford Hospital Social Services website.

When to Call the Chaplain

Our Spiritual Care Department at Hartford Hospital provides care and support for patients, families and staff 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Our staff hospital chaplains and resident chaplains offer pastoral care to individuals of all faiths, or of no particular faith. Specific denominational affiliation is not required to use our services.

Reasons to Call a Chaplain:

  • When you feel scared about being in the hospital...
  • When someone close to you has died...
  • When you feel discouraged...
  • When you're asking God, "Why?"...
  • When your family is upset...
  • When you're facing a difficult decision...
  • When you want to receive sacraments...
  • When you want someone to join you in prayer...
  • When you've heard some bad news...
  • When you're having surgery or a medical procedure...
  • When you need help contacting your pastor or rabbi...


  • Hartford Hospital Campus Services are Televised on Patient Channel 17
  • Interfaith Chapel Core Building, 1st Floor of the High Building (past the Auxiliary Gift Shop, left side of corridor). Chapel is open 24 hours a day, 7 days a week
  • Interfaith Services: Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays, Fridays at 12:00 noon (20 minutes)
  • Guided Imagery: Wednesdays at 12:00 noon
  • Roman Catholic Mass: Sundays and Holy Days at 3:45 pm
  • Moslem-Jamma Prayer: Fridays at 1:15 pm

Critical Care

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We want every stay at Hartford Hospital to be as pleasant and comfortable as possible. Our health care team is dedicated to anticipating and exceeding the needs of patients and families.

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