Food4Health - Rooftop Garden

To help serve patients and grow food for the Food4Health program, a hydroponic rooftop garden at Hartford Hospital opened on the top of the Conklin building in the summer of 2023.

In its first season, produce included tomatoes, peppers, string beans and two varieties of lettuce. Approximately 1,000 pounds of produce was harvested and donated directly to the Food4Health program. Patients enjoyed the fresh vegetables, often asking for items from the garden and remarking on how delicious they were.

System designed for simplicity

The hydroponic system was built by Levo International, a Hartford-based company that provided the supplies and helped set up the system, with food-safe PVC pipes. The water comes from a basin and is pumped through the pipes, with added nutrients depending on the plants, which assists in faster growth.

The hydroponic system can be easily and quickly assembled and is designed with simplicity in mind. It also optimizes the space, allowing for more produce to be grown in a small area.

Vegetables grown on the roof

  • Cherry tomatoes
  • Tomatoes
  • Bibb lettuce
  • Romaine lettuce
  • Peppers
  • String beans

How to volunteer

Colleagues can assist with harvesting and maintaining the rooftop garden. If you are interested in volunteering, please contact David Juros at

Food4Health Clinic