Liver Center | Conditions & Treatments

Comprehensive Liver Center patients have access to the most innovative therapies as they emerge and may also have the opportunity to participate in nationwide clinical research trials.

Hepatitis C (HCV)

HCV is the leading cause for liver transplantation and liver cancer in the United States. A further increase in Hepatitis C induced liver failure and cancer over the next 10-15 years is predicted without diagnosis and treatment. Treatment can reduce these risks. What most people don’t know about HCV is that there are oral medications that can cure this disease.

Liver Cancer

The incidence of liver cancer in the United States is increasing and will continue to increase over the next 10 to 20 years. Patients with underlying liver disease due to conditions including Hepatitis B, Hepatitis C, alcohol and obesity are at increased risk.


The FibroScan provides a fast, painless assessment of liver health. It is a non-invasive test used to assess liver stiffness. Results are immediate and show the evolution of health of your liver.

Comprehensive Liver Center at Hartford Hospital