Emergency General Surgery Service
The Emergency General Surgery Service at Hartford Hospital offers exceptional care of patients with unexpected surgical diseases.
Emergency general surgery consultations are provided by attending surgeons that can facilitate an expedient and thorough assessment, and provide a plan of care for patients that may need urgent or emergent surgical intervention. The team of emergency general surgeons in the ACS Division at Hartford Hospital are all board certified in Surgical Critical Care, and provide broad experience and expertise to manage acute surgical emergencies. These include, but are not limited to, bowel perforation, bowel obstruction, abdominal compartment syndrome, soft tissue infections, and more commonly encountered surgical emergencies related to biliary disease or appendicitis.
The Emergency General Surgery Service evaluates several hundred patients annually and performs multiple urgent and emergent cases every day. Hartford Hospital offers expertise in all medical and surgical specialties, which allows the Emergency General Surgery team to provide comprehensive and multidisciplinary care.
The Emergency General Surgery team caters to highly complex general surgery, emergency surgery and surgical critical care, and welcomes all transfer requests.