
Partnerships with community organizations align Hartford Hospital with local community agencies to assess and respond to community needs. Hartford Hospital develops partnerships in areas such as workforce development, economic development, wellness and healthcare services, and special events support.


Hartford Hospital provides priority consideration for sponsorship to requests from organizations that will improve access to health care services, enhance the health of the community, advance medical health knowledge, or relieve or reduce the burden of government or other community efforts.

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Black Men's Health Project

The Black Men's Health Project ("The Project") is a comprehensive approach to addressing the health prospects for Black Men and the disparities relative to the rate at which Black Men suffer from chronic diseases like hypertension, diabetes, cancers and numerous other health challenges. The mortality rate for Black Men from these diseases contributes to Black Men having the shortest life expectancy of any demographic group in the United States.

The Project, spearheaded by the Omega Foundation of Hartford ( and Hartford Hospital, involves periodic discussions, health fairs and health screenings for Black Men under the theme of "taking charge of your health" and encouraging participants to be informed and be responsible. The health fairs and symposiums which include medical experts of the Hospital are held at Hartford Hospital, community centers, churches and other locations throughout the year.

Southside Institutions Neighborhood Association

An affiliation of Hartford Hospital, Connecticut Children’s and Trinity College, is committed to improving the quality of life for residents of the area surrounding these institutions. One of the projects currently underway is construction of 10 new one-family homes available to first time homebuyers. In addition to avoiding blight, improving the physical appearance of the neighborhood and reducing crime, this initiative provides construction jobs and increases the property tax base for the City of Hartford.

Hartford Hospital's Center for Education, Simulation and Innovation (CESI)

Provides the highest-level training to clinicians and healthcare professionals on the newest lifesaving technology. The simulators allow healthcare professionals to become proficient in new technology such as laparoscopic and robotic surgery by allowing them to practice procedures repeatedly before they actually work on patients. This simulation training has had an impact beyond Connecticut in the more than 2,000 physicians, advance practice clinicians, and EMTs for hospital helicopters who have been trained in just a year. CESI also prepared military paramedics before they deployed to Afghanistan and Iraq.

Center for Eliminating Health Disparities Among Latinos

Is a consortium led by Yale and the University of Connecticut in close partnership with Hartford Hospital and The Hispanic Health Council. Its objective is to contribute to the elimination of health disparities among Latino(s)s through the formation of human resources, community-based research, and culturally appropriate outreach.

Your Educational Success (YES)

Is a partnership with Capital Workforce Partners (CWP), Capital Regional Education Council (CREC), Capital Community College (CCC), and Hartford Hospital. YES students complete a three credit college course during the program. YES provides the foundation necessary to achieve success. YES strengthens Grammar, Math and life skills necessary for academic and professional achievement.

Community Outreach