Day Surgery Admission Instructions

Your surgeon has scheduled you for Day Surgery at Hartford Hospital.

To assist in preparing for this one-day procedure and to make your stay as comfortable as possible, we ask you to read these instructions and use this page to write in the time of your surgery and any other instructions you may receive from the nurse. Please bring it with you and give it to the nurse when you arrive for your surgery.

Physician Exam

A physical examination and various tests must be completed before your admission. Your surgeon will arrange for this. Hartford Hospital must have your records upon arrival. Please bring them with you unless your physician has taken care of this matter personally.

Prior to Surgery

  • Do not take any herbal or diet medications prior to surgery. It is recommended that you stop using these 2 weeks before surgery.
  • It is also important to let your surgeon know if you have a condition called “sleep apnea”.
    If you have this condition please bring a copy of your sleep study arid any equipment that you use to manage it.
  • You must make arrangements to be driven home by a responsible adult and must also have a responsible adult with you for the next 24 hours after surgery. If these arrangements are not made, your surgery may be postponed.
  • If you have any special needs for your day of surgery please inform your surgeon. 
  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight, not even water, unless otherwise instructed by the nurse.
  • You should shower or bathe before coming to the hospital.
  • When deciding what to wear to the hospital choose something comfortable that can be easily removed. (If you are having hand surgery, please wear something with large, flexible sleeves.)
  • Do not use cosmetics, make-up or hair spray.
  • Leave jewelry, money and other valuables at home. The hospital cannot be responsible for such items. (If you are having hand surgery be sure to remove all jewelry from the hand being operated on.)

Confirming Your Surgery

Please be aware that the Operating Room schedule is not finalized until the afternoon of the business day before surgery. For example, the schedule for Monday is completed on the previous Friday, and so on. If you call us any sooner we will be unable to provide any information.

In order to comply with privacy regulations we are required to ask for specific patient information. If you wish to have surgery information given to anyone other than the patient, be sure that they know the patient name, date of birth and date of surgery.

A nurse from the Surgery Time Line will attempt to call you between the hours of 3 and 6 P.M. on the business day before surgery. You may also call the Surgery Time Line yourself on that day at 860.972.3208 between 3 and 6 P.M. for your surgery time, arrival time and other instructions.

If something unforeseen occurs or if you have any questions and it is over a weekend, call the Surgery Time Line and leave your name and telephone number and a nurse will return you call.


Parking is available in the garage adjacent to the Medical Building at 85 Seymour Street or by using valet parking. Click here for more information regarding parking locations and rates. Go directly to the Ambulatory Surgery Center at Hartford Hospital, 85 Jefferson Street, fifth floor, Room 501.

When You Arrive

Once on the unit, you will be asked to complete necessary paperwork, which includes authorization for the hospital to release information to your insurance company. Be sure to bring a valid insurance card. In the case of minors (under 18 years of age), a parent or guardian must accompany the patient before and after surgery, when conditions permit, you wilt be allowed one visitor. In the case of minors, both parents are permitted. Children are not allowed as visitors.