Patient Safety & Quality | Discharge

When it is time to leave the hospital, it is important that you understand your discharge plan to ensure your continued safety and comfort.

Before You Leave

Make Sure Your Understand Your Discharge Instructions
Ask your doctor to clearly explain your plan of treatment after you return home. You should receive your instructions in writing from your nurse, but if you don’t, ask for them to be written out for you. Be sure that your instructions include information regarding medications you are to take and when you may resume normal activities. It is also important to make sure you know if there are any diet restrictions that you should follow. Ask if you will need a follow-up visit with your hospital physician or your primary care physician, and when you should schedule an appointment.

Ask Questions About Your Discharge Medications
When you receive a prescription from your doctor, be sure you can read it - if you can’t read it, your pharmacist may not be able to either. Be sure that you know the proper dosage and how and when to take the medication. For example, some medications should not be taken with food; others should be taken with food. Also ask about the timing of when to take your medications. If the instructions state to take the medication three times a day, find out if that means every eight hours, or three times during waking hours. Also, ask about possible side effects the medication may have.

Become Familiar with any Medical Equipment You May Need
If you have to use medical equipment at home, make sure you have received proper instruction from your caregivers. Before you leave the hospital, we will teach you how to care for yourself, and what people and places in the community can help you and your family. 

After You Leave

When You Get Home from Hartford Hospital
Upon returning home from the hospital, remember there are several things you can do to keep yourself safe and also help the hospital to improve quality for others.

Keep Yourself Safe at Home
Remove all hazards that could cause you to suffer a fall at home. Remove slippery rugs and make sure hallways and stairwells are well lit. Don’t hesitate to install hand railings near the shower or toilet, and make sure to use a non-skid shower mat.

If you are using oxygen at home, keep it away from flames, sparks, and heat sources. Oxygen is a fuel for fire, so never smoke around sources of oxygen. Keep oxygen tubing straight and clear from obstructions so the proper amount of oxygen will be administered.
Also, check all of your medications at home to make sure none are outdated and you are not taking one that you did not disclose to your health care providers. If so, call your doctor to make sure all of your medications can be taken in combination.

If you have any further questions about your condition or discharge instructions, don’t hesitate to contact your doctor.

Respond to Surveys
After you return home, you and your family members may receive confidential surveys asking you to share your feedback on your stay at Hartford Hospital. Please respond to these surveys and send your comments. Health care safety and satisfaction is everyone’s goal, and by compiling data from surveys and reading patient comments, the Hospital can continue to work to improve patient safety, quality, and comfort.

Patient Safety & Quality

  • 860.972.0941

    Please do not hesitate to call if you have questions or concerns about your care at Hartford Hospital!