Motion Lab

Sports Health - Motion Lab

A variety of assessments can be completed in our Motion Analysis Lab to help you achieve your goals.

The motion lab is equipped with two force plates to look at pressure involved in jumping and stepping. Wireless EMG, or electromyography, is used to look at muscle contraction forces and help with visually engaging specific muscle groups. And our sport-specific 12 camera video capture and analysis system includes comprehensive motion assessments for golf, running, baseball, cycling, volleyball, tennis, lacrosse and more.

Using this technology, our biomechanist can complete any of the following assessments:

Athlete Development/Sports Performance Program

  • A complete functional and fitness evaluation perfect for any sport or activity
  • Feedback training, using high speed video, muscle activation sensors, and other movement analysis technologies, assist the athlete to achieve peak performance
  • Analysis report with Individual Training Program
  • Option for a full analysis and training program that can take place where the athlete performs: on the court, on the track, or on the field
  • All training is one-on-one and focuses on improving muscle strength, power, speed, agility, and minimizing biomechanical risk factors related to injury

Running Evaluation and Training Program

  • A full biomechanical running gait analysis utilizing high speed video, force plates, and electromyography (muscle activation sensors)
  • Clinical interpretations and recommendations for reducing injury or repairing a current injury
  • Further testing such as strength, flexibility, and joint range of motion may be performed to determine the cause(s) of any noted movement impairments
  • Benefits: Identify and correct biomechanical tendencies that may result in a future injury, specifically for runners who experience pain while running or who want to improve running -efficiency

Return-To-Sport Evaluation

  • Evaluation of the athlete's ability to perform sports specific tasks (e.g., jumping, cutting, lateral movements) using high-speed cameras and force plates.
  • Analyses of the athlete's movements are analyzed for biomechanical tendencies that may place the athlete at risk for re-injury. Tests include balance, running symmetry, and muscle strength.
  • The biomechanical readiness of the athlete is assessed for return-to-sport participation following an injury or surgery (e.g., ACL reconstruction).
  • A patient-specific rehabilitation or return-to-sport training program is developed. This typically follows the conclusion of formal rehabilitation and before the athlete returns to full-sport participation.
  • Specialized return to sport evaluations and training plans are designed to bridge the gap from injury to optimal sports participation.

ACL-R Functional Testing

  • Evaluation of an individual's ability to perform non-compensated functional movements including the use of evidence-based testing: range of motion, digital hand-dynamometry, symmetrical strength, gait symmetry, balance, Functional Movement Screening, Y-Balance Screening
  • Biomechanical readiness for return-to-sport or functional advancement
  • Landing Error Scoring System - Real Time Assessment with surface EMG information, force plate ground reaction force calculations, motion analysis
  • ACL-R Battery testing: agility, plyometric, deceleration assessments, strength, and fatigue protocol

Physical Therapy Rehabilitation

  • Full biomechanical evaluation with comprehensive physical therapist evaluation, and individualized training regimen. (Approximately 1 hour)

Throwing or Pitching Analysis

Analysis of throwing motions for both quarterbacks and pitchers to provide a starting point from which they can improve. Results are used to enhance overall muscular fitness, reduce the possibility of baseball or football-related throwing injuries and improve game performance.

  • Thrower's 10 programming for injury reduction
  • Functional Movement Screen assessment and Y-Balance screen for upper extremity and lower extremity imbalances
  • Individualized strengthening and corrective exercise programming
  • Comprehensive kinetic chain assessment for preventative approach to maintain health and competition
  • Clinical interpretation for identification of at risk mechanics

Volleyball Mechanics

A full biomechanical evaluation of spiking motion, including high-speed video (60 frames/sec) filmed during spikes. A complete report of joint kinematics and body segment rotations and rotational speeds will be generated. Data is compared to elite collegiate volleyball players. We provide clinical interpretations and recommendations for reducing injury or repairing current injury.

  • Functional movement assessment for identification of preventative movement pathologies
  • Comprehensive dynamic flexibility and warm up programming
  • Generation of home strengthening program for injury prevention
  • Clinical Interpretation for identification of at risk mechanics

Lacrosse Mechanics

A full biomechanical evaluation of motions in the dominant and non-dominant arms, including high-speed video (60 frames/sec) filmed during throws. A complete report of joint kinematics and body segment rotations and rotational speeds will be generated. Data is compared to other players in similar positions. We provide clinical interpretations and recommendations for reducing injury or repairing current injury.

  • Functional movement assessment for identification of preventative movement pathologies
  • Y-balance testing and upper extremity endurance testing for identification of at risk joints and mechanics
  • Comprehensive dynamic flexibility and warm up programming
  • Generation of home strengthening program for injury prevention

Golf Swing

Body markers are placed on the upper and lower body to track motion during a full golf club swing. The results are analyzed and used to enhance overall muscular fitness, reduce the possibility of golf related injuries, and improve in-game performance. Data is compared to professional golfers. Access to nationally recognized Golf Pros from the state of Connecticut for transition of care and return to golfing programming, as well as strength and conditioning specialist with TPI certifications.

  • TPI generated golf fitness programming, individualized to your needs
  • Functional movement assessment for identification of preventative movement pathologies
  • Comprehensive dynamic flexibility and warm up programming
  • Generation of home strengthening program for injury prevention

Tennis Swing

Body markers are placed on the upper and lower body to track motion during a full tennis swing; including serve, forehand and backhand. The results are analyzed and used to enhance overall muscular fitness, reduce the possibility of tennis related injuries, and improve in-game performance. Data is compared to professional tennis players.

  • Functional movement assessment for identification of preventative movement pathologies
  • Comprehensive dynamic flexibility and warm up programming
  • Generation of home strengthening program for injury prevention


Body markers are placed on the upper and lower body to track motion during cycling motions. State-of-the-art Keiser spin bikes are utilized for assessment with the ability to bring in your road bike or mountain bike for use on a trainer and full assessment. Access to Bike Fit Specialists for correction of bike mechanics to optimize performance and prevent injuries.

  • Functional movement assessment for identification of preventative movement pathologies
  • Comprehensive dynamic flexibility and warm up programming
  • Generation of home strengthening program for injury prevention

Gait Analysis & Foot Pressures

Interactive testing session involves walking, running and jumping on a gait mat and Force plate system to determine simple gait measures and foot pressures using the latest technology in portable gait assessment, the GaitRite® mat. This test can be used to identify walking or running stride patterns, high pressure areas of the foot, ground reaction forces and center of mass as athletes move.

Delsys Surface EMG Testing

  • Accelerometry and surface EMG wireless muscle activation
  • Pre- & Post- operative assessments including early VMO activation assessments, ratio comparisons of Quad to Hamstrings or Back extensors to transverse abdominis, as well as parascapula muscle activation ratios
  • To be combined with motion analysis or utilized individually for evaluation needs

VO2 Max Testing

Testing performed to look at maximum oxygen exchange between your blood and your muscles while running, cycling, or rowing. The testing also provides heart rate and lactate threshold which is used to improve performance and recommend training zones.

Learn more

Specialized Services include:

  • 2D Analysis Package
  • Alter G Punch Card
  • Bridge Program
  • Dry Needling
  • FMS (Functional movement screen) and Lower Quarter Exam or Upper Quarter Exam
  • Golf Medicine
  • Massage Therapy
  • Nutrition Consultation
  • TPI Golf Screen
  • VO2 Max Cycling
  • VO2 Max Rowing
  • VO2 Max Running

For information on pricing, please call 860.972.5950

Motion Lab

Center for Musculoskeletal Health

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  • Location: 

    Bone & Joint Institute

    32 Seymour Street
    Hartford, CT 06106