Integrative Medicine | Audio & Video

The following audio & video resources will help you learn more about Integrative Medicine.

The “Mindfulness Menu”

  • Research suggests that taking even a brief mindful pause improves well-being, reduces distress, & job strain, and improves workplace social support!! Download the Mindfulness Menu, scan (with camera) the QR codes, then enjoy our Mindfulness Meditations (3-25 mins each).
    Download the Mindfullness Menu

Art for Healing:

Guided Imagery:

Preparing for Surgery:

Tai Chi / Qigong:

  • Lam, P., "Tai Chi; The 24 Forms" [VIDEO]
    120 minutes; 1999
    More Information Available @Amazon
  • Lam, P., "Tai Chi for Older Adults" [VIDEO]
    110 minutes, 1998
    More Information Available @
  • Lam, P, “Tai Chi for Arthritis” [VIDEO]
  • Lam, P, “Tai Chi for Diabetes” [VIDEO]
  • Lam, P, “Tai Chi for Relaxation” [VIDEO]

Integrative Medicine