Integrative Medicine | Recommended Reading

The following reading material will help you learn more about Integrative Medicine.


  • Bowner, Bruce D. M.D. "Complementary and Alternative Medical Therapies in Orthopaedics: Historical, Clinical, and Evidence-based Perspectives", Techniques in Orthopaedics, ISSN: 0885-9698, March, 2003 (For more information, CLICK HERE)


  • Benfield, Harriet, L.Ac.; Korngold, Efrem, L.Ac. OMD. "Between Heaven and Earth", NY NY; Ballatine Books, 1991
  • Bisbee, Susan L.Ac. "Acupuncture: Its History, Philosophy, and Importance to the Field of Orthopedic Medicine", Techniques in Orthopaedics, ISSN: 0885-9698, March, 2003 (For more information, CLICK HERE)
  • Kaptchuk, Ted, L.Ac. OMD. "The Web has No Weaver", Chicago IL; Congdon and Weed, Inc., 1983
  • Maoshing, Ni, Ph.D. "Translator", Yellow Emperor's Classics of Medicine, Boston MA; Shambala, 1995
  • Markow, Mary J. N.D., M.S., L.Ac.; Secor, Eric R. Jr N.D., M.S., L.Ac. "Acupuncture for the Pain Management of Osteoarthritis of the Knee", Techniques in Orthopaedics, ISSN: 0885-9698, March, 2003 (For more information, CLICK HERE)
  • Michio Kushi. "How to see your Health: Book of Oriental Diagnosis", Japan Publications, Inc.
  • Reed Michael; Gach. "Acupressure's Potent Points", A Guide to Self-Care for Common Ailments", NY NY; Bantam Books, 1990

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Art for Healing:

  • Achterberg, Jeanne. "Imagery in Healing", Boston. MA. Shambala Publications, 1985
  • Achterberg, Jeanne; Dossey, Barbara; Kolkmeier, Leslie. "Rituals of Healing: Using Imagery for Health and Wellness", New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1994
  • Cameron, Julia. "The Artist’s Way", New York, NY: G. P. Putnam’s Sons, 1982
  • Capacchione, Lucia. "The Creative Journal: The Art of Finding Yourself", Athens, Ohio: Swallow Press, 1979
  • Capacchione, Lucia. "The Power of Your Other Hand: A course in channeling the inner wisdom of the right brain", North Hollywood, CA: Newcastle Publishing Co., Inc., 1988
  • Capacchione, Lucia. "The Well-Being Journal: Drawing on Your Inner Power to Heal Yourself", North Hollywood, CA: Newcastle Publishing Co., Inc., 1989
  • Cornell, PH.D., Judith Mandala. "Luminous Symbols for Healing", Wheaton, IL: The Theosophical Publishing House, 1994
  • Diaz, Adriana. "Freeing the Creative Spirit", San Francisco, CA: Harper, 1992
  • Fincher, Susanne F. "Creating Mandalas: For Insight, Healing, and Self-Expression", Boston, MA: Shambala Publications, Inc. 1991
  • Fox, John. "The Poetry of Healing", New York, NY
  • Furth, Gregg. "The Secret World of Drawings: Healing Through Art", Sigo Press, 1989
  • Ganim, Barbara. "Art and Healing", New York, NY: Three Rivers Press, 1999
  • Ganim, Barbara; Fox, Susan. "Visual Journaling: Going Deeper than Words", Wheaton, IL: Quest Books, 1999
  • Graham-Pole, John, "Illness and the Art of Creative Expression", New Harbinger Publications, 2000
  • Kent, Corita; Steward, Jan. "Learning By Heart: Teachings to Free the Creative Spirit", New York, NY: Bantam Books, 1992
  • London, Peter. "No More Secondhand Art: Awakening the Artist Within", Boston, MA: Shambala Publications, Inc. 1989
  • Malchiodi, Cathy A. "The Art Therapy Sourcebook", Los Angeles, CA: Lowell House, 1998
  • McNiff, Shaun. "Art as Medicine: Creating a Therapy of the Imagination", Boston, MA: Shambala Publications, Inc. 1992
  • Naparstek, Belleruth. "Staying Well with Guided Imagery", New York, NY: Warner Books, 1994
  • Pennebaker, James W. "Opening Up: The Healing Power of Expressing Emotions", New York, NY: The Guilford Press.1990
  • Rogers, Natalie. "The Creative Connection: Expressive Arts as Healing", Palo Alto, CA: Science and Behavior Books, 1993
  • Samuels, M.D.; Rockwood-Lane, R.N., M.S.N, Mary. "Creative Healing", San Francisco, CA: Harper San Francisco, 1998

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Guided Imagery:

  • Achterberg, Jeane, "Imagery in Healing: Shamanism and Modern Medicine", ASIN Press, 1998
  • Hammerchlag, C. and Silverman, H., "Healing Ceremonies: Creating Personal Rituals for Spiritual, Emotional, Physical and Mental Health", Perigee Press, 1997
  • Hatler C., "Using Guided Imagery in the Emergency Department", Journal of Emergency Nursing, 1998; 24(6): 518-522
  • Lusk, Julie, "Thirty Scripts for Relaxation, Imagery and Inner Healing", Whole Persons Associates, 1993
  • The Monroe Institute, Books by Robert Monroe, and other authors,
  • Murdock, Maureen, "Spinning Inward: Using Guided Imagery with Children for Learning, Creativity, and Relaxation", Shambhala Pub., 1998
  • Naperstek, Belleruth, "Staying Well With Guided Imagery", Waarner Books: New York. 1995
  • Purlong, M. and Essman, E., "Going Under: Preparing Yourself for Anesthesia", Autonomy, Pub. Co., 1993
  • Schwartz, Andrew E., "Guided Imagery for Groups: Fifty Visualizations That Promote Relaxation, Problem-Solving, Creativity and Well-being", Whole Persons Associates, 1995
  • Stone, Ronald, "Creative Visualization", Destiny Books, 1998
  • Stone, Ronald, "Creative Visualization: Using Imagery and Imagination for Self-improvement", Destiny Books, 1998
  • Tusek D., Cwynar R., "Strategies for Implementing a Guided Imagery Program to Enhance Patient Experience", AACN Clinical Issues and Advanced Practice in Acute Critical Care, 2000; 11 (1): 68-76
  • Tusek D, et al., "Guided Imagery as a Coping Strategy for Perioperative Patients", AORN Journal, 1997; 66(4): 644-649

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Integrative Medicine:

  • Guerrera, Mary P. M.D., F.A.A.F.P., "Complimentary and Alternative Medicine: The Who, What, Why, Where, and When of an Evolving New Area of Health Care", Techniques in Orthopaedics, ISSN: 0885-9698, March, 2003 (For more information, CLICK HERE)

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Massage Therapy:

  • Deane, Juhan, "A Handbook for Body Work", Station Hill, Barrytown, LTD, 1998
  • Derick, Linda M.A., L.M.T., Pecora, Robert L.M.T., Ramsby-Andrews, Synthia B.A., L.M.T., and Schrier, Matthew M.S., D.C., "The Application of Therapeutic Massage for Low Back Pain.", Techniques in Orthopaedics, ISSN: 0885-9698, March, 2003 (For more information, CLICK HERE)
  • Kellog, John Harvey, "The Art of Massage", Modern Medicine Publishing Co, Battle Creek, Michigan
  • Tappan, France M. and Benjamin, Patricia J., "Healing Massage Techniques", Appleton & Lange Stamfod, CT
  • MacDonald, Gayle MD, LMT, "Medicine Hands", Findhon Press, Scotland, Florida
  • Fritz, Dandy, "Mosby's Fundamentals of Therapeatic Massage", Mosby, St Louis, Missouri

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Preparing for Surgery:

  • Baker, Robert, MD., "Successful Surgery, A Doctor's Mind-Body Guide to Help You Through Surgery", (New York: Pocket Books, 1996)
  • Byrd, Randolph, "Therapeutic Effects of Intercessory Prayer in the Coronary Care Unit", Southern Medical Journal, 81 (7): 826-829, July, 1988.
  • Huddleston, Peggy, "Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster™", Cambridge: Angel River Press, 1996,
  • Lund, C., "Effects of Relaxation with Guided Imagery on Surgical Stress and Wound Healing", Research in Nursing and Health, 11: 235-244, 1988

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  • Barnett, L. and Chambers, M. "Reiki Energy Medicine: Taking Healing Touch into Home, Hospital, and Hospice" (Vermont: Healing Arts, 1996)
  • Brathovde, A. "A Pilot Study: Reiki for Self Care for Nurses and Healthcare Providers". Holistic Nursing Practice. 2006,20 (2):95-101.
  • Brewitt B, Vittetoe T, Hartwell B. "The Efficacy of Reiki: Imporvements in Spleen and Nervous System Function as Quantified by Electro Dermal Screening". Alternative Ther Health Med. 1997, 3:89-97.
  • Crawford, SE, Leaver, VW, Mahoney, SD. “Using Reiki to Decrease Memory and Behavioral Problems in Mild Cognitive Impairment and Mild Alzheimer’s Disease”. Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 2006, 12(9): 911-913.
  • Horrigan, B. Reiki. "Vibrational Healing, an Interview with Pamela Miles". Alternative Therapies. 2003, 9 (4): 75-83.
  • Jackson, Kate. "Reiki - Rising Star in Complementary Cancer Care". Radiology Today. May 2003;10-13.
  • Loveland, C, et al. "Healing Touch Augments Radiation Therapy". Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine. 2004, 10 (3): 34-40.
  • Maansour, Ahlam et al. "A Study to Test the Effectiveness of Placebo Reiki Standardization Procedures Developed for a Planned Reiki Efficacy Study", Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine. 1999; 5(2): 153-164.
  • Miles, P. "Preliminary Report on the Use of Reiki for HIV-Related Pain and Anxiety". Alternative Therapies. 2003, 9 (2): 36.
  • Miles, P., True G. "Reiki. Review of a Biofield Therapy: History, Theory, Practice, and Research". Alternative Ther Health Med. 2003, 9 (2): 62-72.
  • Miles, P. "Palliative Care Services at the NIH include REiki and Other Mind-Body Modalites". Advances. 2004, 20 (2):30-31.
  • Moore, Alice. "Reiki Healing Touch: Enhancing the Healing Process". Berkshire Medical Journal. October 2001; 7-9.
  • Olson, K. and Hanson, J. "Using Reiki to Manage Pain: A Preliminary Report". Cancer Prevention and Control, 1 (2): 108-113, June, 1997
  • Oschman, James. "Energy Medicine: The Scientific Basis". New York: Churchill Livingston. 2000.
  • Prestwood, Karen M. M.D. "Energy Medicine: What Is It, How Does It Work, and What Place Does It Have in Orthopedics?", Techniques in Orthopaedics, ISSN: 0885-9698, March, 2003 (For more information, CLICK HERE)
  • Rand, W. "Reiki, The Healing Touch, A First and Second Degree Manual". (MI: Vision Publications,1998)
  • Schiller, Robert, MD. "Reiki: A Starting Point for Integrative Medicine". Alternative Therapies. 2003; 9(2):20-24.
  • Schmehr, Robert. "Enhancing the Treatment of HIV/AIDS with Reiki Training and Treatment". Alternative Therapies. 2003; 9(2):120-122.
  • Wardell, Diane, and Engebretson, Joan. "Biological Correlates of Reiki Touch Healing". Journal of Advanced Nursing. 2001; 33 (4):439-448.
  • Wetzel, W. "Reiki Healing: a Physiologic Perspective". Journal of Holistic Nursing. 1989; 7(1):47-53.

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Tai Chi / Qigong:

  • Archives of Internal Medicine, "A Systematic Review of the Affects of Tai Chi on the Health Outcomes in Patients with Chronic Conditions." March 8, 2004
  • Chen, K.M. and Snyder, M., "A Research-Based Use of Tai Chi/Movement Therapy as a Nursing Intervention." Journal of Holistic Nursing, 17 (3):267-79, September, 1999.
  • Choy, P.C.K., "Chi Exercises for Health and Rejuvenation." Positive Health, Issue 18:30-32, April 30, 1997.
  • Cohen, K.S., "The Way of Qigong; The Art and Science of Chinese Energy Healing". Ballantine Books, New York, NY, 1997.
  • Farrell, S.J., Ross, A.D.M. et al, "Eastern Movement Therapies". Complementary Therapies in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation, 10 (3):617-29, August, 1999.
  • Galante, L., "Tai Chi; the Supreme Ultimate". Samuel Weiser, Inc., York Beach, ME, 1981.
  • McFarlane, S., "The Complete Book of T'ai Chi". DK Publishing, New York, NY, 1999.
  • Sancier, K.M., "Medical Applications of Qigong". Alternative Therapies in Health and Medicine, 2(1):40-46, January 31, 1996.
  • Taylor, S. Kelly, "Tai Chi for Chronic Pain and Arthritis". Techniques in Orthopaedics, ISSN: 0885-9698, March, 2003 (For more information, CLICK HERE)
  • Wang, S. and Liu, J.L., "Qi Gong for Health and Longevity", The Ancient Chinese Art of Relaxation/Meditation/Physical Fitness". East Health Development Group, Tustin, CA, 1994.
  • Whyte, N., "Tai Chi for Clients in Cardiac Rehabilitation". OT Practice, pgs. 38-41, October, 1997.

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Integrative Medicine